Tournament managment

The creation of a new tournament is a breeze. You can cutomize several options, but the default ones already fit the common needs. All options can be changed anytime, also after the tournament is up and running. But only when the tournament is published, players can engage for challenges and matches. Ready? Go!


In case you want to get the most out of it, here is a description of all available options.

  • Basics
    • Name Name it as you wish.. but no swears!
    • Join Policy Define the visibility of the tournament, and how external players can join it
    • Description (optional) Feel free to provide to players some general info about the tournament
    • Sport Your sport or game

  • Players
    In this section you can manage the players, before and after the tournament is published. You can change their position (their rank) in the pyramid, or remove them. You can manually add single players, or perform a bulk import from a file, specifying their email and name.
    Remember two things:
      • The order of the players reflects the order of the pyramid! The first player in the list is the pinnacle of the pyramid!
      • Users are always free to leave the tournament, and new users to join it (based on tournament Join Policy)
    • Category Specify if the tournament is for singles, doubles, or for teams
    • Gender (optional) Is the tournament gender restricted?
    • Age (optional) Minimum and maximum age of participants

  • Advanced Settings
    Here you can tune the character of the tournament. Using these settings you can model it to be permissive or severe, slow or reactive.
    • Unaccepted Challenge Days If the challenged party does not accept within this amount of days, he or she will incur the Unaccepted Challenge Penality
    • Unaccepted Challenge Penality Demoting number of positions for unaccepted challenge
    • Accepted Challenge Days If the two parties do not play within this amount of days, they both will incur the Accepted Challenge Penality
    • Accepted Challenge Penality Demoting number of positions for unplayed challenge
    • No sore losers Custom wait time for defeated challengers to challenge again same player
    • No unavailability abuse Players can set themself to unavailable to don't receive challenges. To avoid possible abuse, you can control after how many unavailable days a player incurs a rank penality
    • Matches results needs confirmation If checked, after a player enters the match result, the opponent has 24 hours to correct or confirm it. After 24 hours, it is assumed correct. Matches created by the admin, do not need any confirmation. If unchecked, both players and the admin can enter the result without any need of confirmation.
    • Default position of new participants in the pyramid You can specify the rank (the position in the pyramid) that will be automatically assigned to new players joining the tournament.
    • Widget webpage (optional) In case you have your own website, you can host the widget of the tournament on it! In this field you must type your webpage where you have already embedded the tournament widget, so that links from Wimball emails and notifications will redirect to it. Full instructions about how to embed the widget are below

Embed the tournament widget in your website

If you have an existing website, you can host the tournament in one of your web pages, so that the users could see and join the tournament.
You just have to paste into the html source of your page an HTML and Javascript code snippet.
To have the snippet to paste, just click the "Copy code" button in the tournament edit page.

If additionally you want that the links and the emails will point directly to your web page, where you embedded the widget, you have to type the URL in the tournament edit page, on "Advanced Settings" -> "Widget webpage".

Step by step instructions

Instructions about how to create, publish and (optionally) embed a tournament:

  1. Create a new tournament
    Fill the properties and save the tournament. Don't be afraid to save also if the setup of the tournament is not complete. Before you publish the tournament, only you (the admin), can see it.
    If you have added some players, you can also check that the order in the pyramid is the intended one. Just click the button Tournament Page at the bottom of the page.
  2. Optionally, plug it in your website! You can already check how it appears in your website. Here are instructions about how to do it.
  3. Publish it! Once you are happy, you can go back in the tournament edit page, and publish it! Users will be notified by email, and the tournament is ready to be played!

Migrating an existing tournament

In case you want to migrate an existing tournament, please read these notes:

  • During the creation of the tournament, import players in the correct order or manage their order later, but before publishing the tournament.
  • After the tournament is published, the admin can manually add existing challenges from the main tournament page.